Sunday, October 4, 2009

To the left you see part of a skeleton of a ring that was bought over 27 years ago.I had to cut it off the owner. It was a size five. She needed a size 6-3/4. The ring was so very thin and worn. Once I had it off her finger to resize it, I looked at the prongs that were holding the stone in place.
Well, at least I tried to look at them. Only two of the prongs were holding the stone in place. The other four were non existent when it came to metal on the stone for security purposes.

This is the first "repair" that I did all on my own that consisted of more than soldering and cleaning.
I ordered a new ring shank in a size 6, and a 6 prong head as she had before. Soldered them, and then used part of her old ring, the thickest part on the old ring to size the ring up 3/4 of a size. So basically I married the old ring to the new ring thanks to solder!

Setting the stone was pretty easy! I am so pleased with how nice it turned out!

My client will be in on Tuesday to pick it up!
May she have at least 27 more years of wearing it!


Anonymous said...

What a beautiful job Angela! I can't imagine needing a ring cut off my finger! So wonderful that you could fix it for her, I am sure she will be pleased!

MYSAVIOR said...

beautiful job, Angela - wish we had a talented jeweler like you here.

Jennifer {Studio JRU} said...

She is going to love it!! Great work!